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Packing Boxes
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Packaged Pastry


Hopeful Helpers purposes is to give back to individuals who live in underserve communities or who are struggling by providing food, clothing, educational resources, and mental health services. Thanks to your generous donations and support we were able to make the impact below.




  • Served a meal at Hesed House for 65 families on Sept 25th

  • Donated School Supplies to Skoff Elementary

  • April 17th $1000 was donated to

  • Provided $1000 to Teresita a nurse who is undergoing cancer treatment



  • Made 187 meals for to Chicago Ministry

  • Christmas gifts for 9 children

  • $1600 for Living Well specifically towards transportation those in Cancer Treatment

  • Donated towards 600 hygiene kits for the homeless

  • ​May 31 st delivered 100 meals to Chicago Ministry

  • Jr. Ambassadors wrote and delivered letters to senior citizens at the nursing home

  • Provided lunch to 125 individuals to Hesed House in Aurora, Il 

  • Served 25 meals to homeless community in Chicago

  • Junior hopeful helpers team dropped off food to Mutual Grounds, an organization that provides food and shelter to women and kids in domestic abuse relationships.

  • Donated $1500 to India Covid Relief with Hand in Hand USA toward  monitoring and care to COVID patients, including necessary medications and oxygen

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  • Provided three dinners serving 450 individuals in total to Hesed House in Aurora, Il . Hesed House mission is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless and give people the chance to hope again. Hesed House is a national model for ending homelessness – one person, one family at a time.

  • Provided holiday gifts to 5 families

  • Provided groceries to 5 families


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